понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

best fta satellite

Witnessed suck from 2 days ago

While I was up at the customer service desk getting the toy returns, the mens bathroom was being cleaned.

*guy walks up to the mens room and sees the nice Spanish speaking maintenance lady..Iapos;ll call her A...I think she told him it was closed...or maybe she didnapos;t say anything at all..I canapos;t remember*

Guy: F***ing Puerto Rican Now I canapos;t use the bathroom *goes to stand against the wall over by the ladies room*
Me: *to A* Uh oh..
A: Tell him about the other bathroom.
Me: *to the guy* Thereapos;s another bathroom in the back of the store.
Guy: No thatapos;s ok..I have to wait for my wife here anyway.

So yeah that guy was stupid and rude...A isnapos;t from Puerto Rico anyway..she told me what country she is from but I canapos;t remember the name..I think it had Republic in the name but its not Dominican Republic.

This suck is one that I just remembered..its from early summer this year.

A guy working in the electronics department called me over for a price check. I went over there and he showed me the powerwheels battery that the customers in his line were trying to buy. There was a sticker on the box that said something like "12 volt bat pack" or something like that and it also said $11.00 below the name. Problem is..the guy in electronics discovered that this sticker was on top of the barcode. You know what price it scanned as? 49.88....which is the REAL price btw.

So..he asked me to go find the shelf label to find out which price was the right one. I found the proof that it really is $49 and showed it to them.

Customer: Oh but why is it so expensive?? I promised that I would get it for my niece but I thought it was cheaper This thing almost costs as much as a real car battery
*pays for it anyway since he knows he was caught*

When I got back to the toy department and was cleaning around the Powerwheels cars...I noticed that there were other clearance battery chargers and batteries that he was thinking about taking the price sticker for...the one he picked was the cheapest of course. I knew for sure that he was the one that did it when I saw all that just minutes after he was buying the battery.

drawing looney tune, best fta satellite, best fta satellite receiver, best fta satellites, best ftp client.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

circuit electronic moisture only sensor uk

This week has been crazily hectic. Okay iapos;m happy getting my marksmen for my ATP shoot. But booking out on friday at 7pm just to see apos;alia and booking in back at 0630 just to set up stuff for soc and booking out at 1000. Iapos;m tired... And spending only 4 hours with apos;alia on saturday. And going to beach road just coz my OC demands we sew on our marksmen badges. Iapos;m drained. I didnapos;t even get to enjoy my new game. Argh iapos;m gonna take leave for thursday till deepavali. But subjected to approval of course. Hmmmm. I hate BTP on mondays... I have to book in with the recruits in half an hourapos;s time. ARGH since when do I book in with the recruits? and on SUNDAY

this entry is pointless.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

drawing loch monster ness

Tonight Addison sat beside me on her lawn outback and asked if we could lay down. She told me she liked the stars. So we lied down, and looked at the 3 or 4 starts you could see through the light pollution of Phoenix. Addi told me that her daddy was up with the starts. I asked her if she talked to him and she said apos;oh yes, but i dont know how he can hear me from far away.apos; I told her that he could see her and hear her even if she couldnt. She told me she talked to her dad too. She jumped up from off the green and as loud as the 4 year old could yell she exclaimed "Goodnight Daddy I love you" She sat back down and continued to wonder how her dad could see her even though its dark, I promised her she could. The whole time Justice, the 2 year old boy who is too loud pushes too hard and jumps off everything, stood perfectly still next to me and his sister listening somehow to what we were saying. He proceeded with apos;dad dad dadapos; over and over again while looking at the night sky.
I thought watching my aunt nancy go through the trauma of losing her beautiful son was hard enough, then I met his wife and children, and now I know for sure that his death, is a mistake. There is NO good from this, and I would give any aspect of my life to change this.

free standing clean rooms, drawing loch monster ness, drawing locomotive.


E. Writes her thesis on the effect of spirituality on peopleapos;s happiness. The other day we talked about how hard it is to measure happiness.
My happiness fluctuates and usually it experiences a little dip on the weekends.
Thursday was a very happy day: A. Showed me a really cool place to have lunch, classes went great, I got some work done, I met new people and felt on top of things, went out to eat at night and discovered little side streets.
Friday went on in a similar way. But now thereapos;s the weekend-dip.
eanse, eans school district, eans isd, eans independent school district.

eagle file soaring video

Iapos;m so glad itapos;s Friday. This week has been kinda tiring. Or maybe Iapos;m saying that because Iapos;m extremely tired right now.

Anyway, today wasnapos;t really all that special. In the morning I was really really tired beacuse I slept at 1, woke up at 5, then slept again on the bus for another hour. I was really out of it too for some reason. It was only for first period though. The sub in second period snapped me out of my fog. At lunch I went with Ash and Brandon (sophomore clarinet player) to stripe the field since the rain messed up the lines on our practice field. It was kinda fun. I tried striping a line instead of taking care of the hash marks like I normally do. I failed wonderfully. Letapos;s just say the line wasnapos;t close to straight and leave it at that. After that I borrowed Ashapos;s jacket since I left mine in my locker and it was freezing cold in the school. It was a little big and it kinda smelled, but as long as I wasnapos;t cold I didnapos;t care. Living in Houston for 16 years has made me hate the cold. The only downfall to wearing the jacket was that I was falling asleep in English because it was so comfortable. So yea, that was pretty much my day.

Iapos;m really excited for tomorrow. Thereapos;s a football game in the afternoon and then the soccer game in the evening. I have my ticket now. Oh yea I dunno if I mentioned this, but Ash got two free tickets from his Physics friend who was supposed to be taking us to the game but isnapos;t now. The seats are apparently good and where all of the hardcore Dynamo fans sit, but Iapos;d rather sit facing the sideline and not facing the endzone. Oh well. Ash and I are the only ones going too, so thatapos;ll be fun.

UIL (bigass marching competition) is in 4 days. Iapos;m excited. Weapos;re gonna kick some ass and get a 1. I hope.

agios gordios hotel, eagle file soaring video, eagle film company, eagle film production, eagle financial.